Making them up as I go (2)

1. Tell the truth.
2. Entice, or fail.
3. To emphasize, summarize.
4. If it ain't short, it don't work.
5. Be clear.

And so I don't forget:
Don't explain. Just tell a story.
Don't argue. Just say things that make sense.
Expect people to be bored by the writing, and shorten it.
Make the wording easy to take.

Remove Loose Ends -- the interesting one-liners that go nowhere.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Formatting HTML, a detail

On the econ blog I'm complaining about Martin Feldstein. Yeah you should have heard of him // I'm not gonna say who he is // It doesn't matter anyway.

I looked him up on Wikipedia. Copied the first paragraph and pasted into my blog. Pasted it in the "compose" view. That way the links and HTML formatting gets pasted in, along with the text. So I get to see how (in this case) Wikipedia had formatted the text.

The article begins with Feldstein's name. As Wikipedia has it:

Martin Stuart "Marty" Feldstein

If you look at Wikipedia's HTML for Feldstein's name, it turns out that the name is bolded but the quote marks are not.

<b>Martin Stuart</b> "<b>Marty</b>" <b>Feldstein</b>

The text is bolded, but the quote marks are not. I always wondered how to handle situations like that. I think this is a good way to do it.