Making them up as I go (2)

1. Tell the truth.
2. Entice, or fail.
3. To emphasize, summarize.
4. If it ain't short, it don't work.
5. Be clear.

And so I don't forget:
Don't explain. Just tell a story.
Don't argue. Just say things that make sense.
Expect people to be bored by the writing, and shorten it.
Make the wording easy to take.

Remove Loose Ends -- the interesting one-liners that go nowhere.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015


At Seeking Alpha:
However, the company is actually currently undervalued and that makes now the right time to buy the stock at a bargain price. The British company, who boasts an impressive US$4.003 billion profit ...
The company, which boasts an impressive profit. Despite what you may have heard, a corporation is not a person. It is an organization. The word "who" does not apply.

A corporation may be legally a person, but it is not literally a person. And you do wish to be literate, don't you, in your writing?