Making them up as I go (2)

1. Tell the truth.
2. Entice, or fail.
3. To emphasize, summarize.
4. If it ain't short, it don't work.
5. Be clear.

And so I don't forget:
Don't explain. Just tell a story.
Don't argue. Just say things that make sense.
Expect people to be bored by the writing, and shorten it.
Make the wording easy to take.

Remove Loose Ends -- the interesting one-liners that go nowhere.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

FRED Adds 5,466 Series of Earnings Data

FRED has added 5,466 series of earnings data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey. Categories include (among others) age, race, sex, occupation, full- or part-time status, and educational attainment.
Posted in FRED Announcements...

Depending on the meaning of the word include, the sequence "(among others)" is either important, or unnecessary.

Based on the meaning of the word include, then, the sequence "(among others)" is unnecessary.

Anyway, you always want to favor fewer words.